Paid Search & PPC

Ultra-Targeted, Attention-Grabbing, Customer-Led, Data-Driven Advertising

Within reason, anybody can get results with paid search, particularly Google Adwords.

People are literally searching for what you offer in most cases, so putting the two together is relatively straight forward.

However, there’s a lot of nuance to paid search. So what’s the difference between a bad or average campaign, and a super profitable one?

As a Google Search Partner, we understand the core principles that can take your search campaigns to the next level, providing consistency and scalability:

Effective negative lists to reduce wasted ad spend – Just by cutting out the crap you can see a surprising boost in profitability

Efficient Campaign Structuring – Utilising different ad groups for different strategies and keyword types. You don’t want everything lumped in one campaign!

Appropriate Keyword Match Types – Match types have a dramatic effect on campaign performance. Knowing when you should be using phrase, exact, and broad match types is critical to ensuring your traffic is relevant, and your ads are showing to the right people.

Advanced Bidding Strategies – Automated bidding can be dangerous and ineffective at times. You can have a much greater level of control over your results if you know what you can pay per click, or per conversion for certain search terms.

Headlines & Ad Copy That Convert – It’s all well and good showing up for the right searches, but if your ad doesn’t catch the eye, you’re going to have a rough time. Attention is important, but so is getting the click, and sending them to the right page with the right expectations.

Sensible Budget management – Sounds obvious, but you have to allocate your spend to the appropriate areas for the best results. Much like anything we do, we follow the data and do what the market is telling us to do.

If you aren’t getting the results you need from Paid Search, or are having trouble scaling, chances are you need to work on one of the above!

CC Response Case Study

The Results


Enquires generated


Average ROAS


Increase in monthly revenue


Reduction in CPL

So how can we achieve amazing results for you?

We learn

We have a quick consultation with you and learn about your business, your goals, your budget, and your current challenges. We tell you a little about ourselves, and how we think we can help. We’re an open book, and we like to get stuck into the details, so don’t be shy, we want the good, the bad, and the ugly.

We Audit & Strategise

Like what we have to say? If we’re confident that we can help you, we’ll conduct an audit of your campaigns and ad account, analysing key areas such as:

  • Campaign structure & Bidding Strategy 
  • Website/Landing Pages
  • Headlines, Creative, and Ad Copy Performance
  • Keywords and match types
  • Negative Lists
  • Essentially, we take this opportunity to tell you what you’re doing right, what you’re doing wrong, and what the first 1-3 months worth of things are we’d do in your shoes to get to where you want to be

Most agencies would charge for this. We don’t. Some would call that daft, but business is about trust. You’re not obliged to work with us after the audit, take the recommendations and run into the sunset if you want to, but more often than not we find that when we present people with a clear plan they can understand, it builds a lot of confidence and trust, and is usually worth our time!
We go over the audit with you, and advice on priority actions/ideas for the first few months, and areas of focus beyond that like new creative angles, other traffic sources, offers for new/existing customers, etc.

We Negotiate

We strongly believe in value for money, we’re comfortable talking about fees, and we don’t tie people into long-term contracts. Are we the cheapest agency to work with? No, sadly not. But we don’t rip people off.
Our priority above all else is securing long-term partnerships that are profitable for both parties. Our core clients have literally been with us for years.
Let’s work out the level of support that you need, and take things from there!

We Implement

Once we’ve agreed terms, it’s time to get stuck in. We’ll work with you to create new campaigns, keywords, copy, pages, anything that’s needed to get you to the promised land.
We action the plan outlined in the audit, and deliver on our word.

We Assess & Report

We believe in having open and direct dialogue with our clients. We like to touch base regularly, keep you in the loop, and make sure you’ve just as aware of what’s happening with your campaigns as we are.
Weekly calls matter, but so does visualisation of your results. We’ll create a reporting solution that works around you.

We Optimise

Based on what the data is telling us, we make the adjustments needed to continuously improve results and increase profitability. We ensure you understand why these changes are being made and what we expect to achieve with them.

We Grow

All the failings of past agencies feel like a distant dream. We’re in it for the long-term now!
What else can we do to grow your business? New ad platforms and traffic sources, supporting services, and continued delivery of a paid media service that’s measured, data-driven, and hyper-focussed on growing your profits from customers new and old.

Other Services

Everything we do on social is ROI focussed, because results matter…

Our team has been running PPC campaigns for over 15 years now…

Taboola and Outbrain are massively overlooked by most agencies…

When it comes to getting new users for you app, these should be your first priority…

Request a free consultation with us

Do you need help with Lead Generation?,Scaling?,An Ad Account Audit?,Reducing CPL?

Enter your details and request a call, let’s see if we’re a good fit!