Paid Social
Ultra-Targeted, Attention-Grabbing, Customer-Led, Data-Driven Advertising
When it comes to Paid Social, whether its’ Facebook ads, IG stories, or Tiktok, many of the core principles are universal.
Sure, each platform has it’s own best practises, and when you’ve spent a lot of money on them you do develop an intuition of sorts, that allows you to make much better decisions, and have a better view on what could/couldn’t work in terms of testing particular campaigns.
But… There is something that only a true master of Paid Social knows.
“You are not the target audience”
What do we mean by that?
With a solid testing framework of different variations of creatives assets, ad copy, angles, tone, offers, messaging, your customer behaviour will literally tell you what you should be doing.
We let your customer tell us what converts best, and base our decisions on that. When it comes to paid media, you have to leave your ego at the door.
Sometimes, simply changing the time of day that your ads serve can have a huge impact on performance, or having a retargeting campaign in place, or introducing user-generated content to your ads.
Lots of agencies like to hugely overcomplicate paid social, so they can sound clever and look cool. We’re the opposite.
We don’t want to bombard you with grandiose ideas and concept. We’ll simply tell you what’s currently working best on the platforms, and do what the data tells us to do. It isn’t sexy, but it bloody works.
Don’t get us wrong, these platforms can be a massive pain in the arse, and very temperamental, but much like experienced zoo keepers that care for the lions, we know what their favourite treats are, and who likes a belly rub. We’ve got the scars to prove it!
Gladstone Brookes Case Study
The Results
in adverting spend
Over 20% of which was in the final month of the campaign
leads generated
The bulk of which meeting demographic requirements
Cost Per Lead
Beating the target CPL of £25 substantially
improvement in conversion rate
With successful implementation of the digital journey
So how can we achieve amazing results for you?
We learn

We Audit & Strategise
- Campaign structure & Bidding Strategy
- Website/Landing Pages
- Creative Assets and Ad Copy Performance
- Demographics and targeting
- Placements and Platforms
- Essentially, we take this opportunity to tell you what you’re doing right, what you’re doing wrong, and what the first 1-3 months worth of things are we’d do in your shoes to get to where you want to be

We Negotiate

We Implement

We Assess & Report

We Optimise

We Grow